Tuesday, July 31, 2012

JSRG Beatdown vs Nickel City Knockouts

JSRG Beatdown vs Nickel City Knockouts

Game number two of the Jersey Shore Roller Girls first ever double header pits the JSRG Beatdown up against the Nickel City Knockouts from Buffalo, NY.  Hosted by JSRG at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park, the Beatdown put up a good fight against the Knockouts, but the visiting teams’ ability to control the pack would prove to be too much for the Beatdown, who would ultimately lose the game with a score of 82 to NY’s 228.

Jam 1 gets off to a slow start, NY’s Abercrombie & Fists takes the lead over JSRG’s Cool Mo T.   She zooms up the middle of the pack, scores 4 points and  ends the jam (but Mo is able to score 1 point before the final whistle.)  Now Principal Rooney takes the star for JSRG, and NY puts Crazy Legs up against her.  NY picks off the JSRG blockers, stringing out the pack.  Legs takes the lead as Ivana LeiHerOut knocks Rooney out of bounds, recycling her back into the pack.  As Legs laps her for a grand slam, Rooney takes another huge hit from Ivana.  Rooney finally breaks free, and Legs ends the jam, putting 15 points on the board for her team (to JSRG’s 0.) 

Jam 3 also starts slowly, but jammer, Toots McGee hits the pack quickly, gets lead, scores 5 points and calls the jam off before JSRG’s Dezdemona Lott can break through for her initial pass.  Next,  Mo is up again for JSRG, but gets caught up behind Ivana and Ruby Revenge who work together to hit Mo out and recycle, forcing her to fall back in behind them.  NY’s jammer, Librawlian, picks up 19 points for her team, and calls the jam off as Bash N. Onya helps her jammer to finally break free from the pack.  Jam 5 and 6 are more of the same, in the visiting teams favor. 

Then, jam 7 sees Mo awarded lead jammer status, and she cuts around the outside of the pack, while her captain, Jack & Choke, holds back NY jammer, Legs.  Mo scores 2 points for JSRG, takes a huge hit from Stormie Weather, and calls the jam off from the ground (Legs scores 1 point.)

Next on the jam line for JSRG, is rookie Heartless Backstab Her.  Librawlian is back on the jam line, and despite the fact that she gets trapped behind Obi-wan Kenosebleed, Bash, and co-captain Shirley B. Brutal for the better part of a lap, she still manages to take lead jammer, with Heartless right behind her.  Then Fists gets the lead over Dez, scoring and calling the jam quickly off.  Now with a score of 62-3 in NY’s favor, Rooney takes the jam line for JSRG.  Rooney gets past Ivana on the inside line, and wins lead jammer, while NY jammer, Legs, is sent to the box on a major track cut.  Rooney earns a grand slam, flying through the pack unopposed, then JSRG forms a pace line  to control the pack speed and force the opposition out of play.  Rooney eventually earns 16 points for her team, before calling the jam off. 

In jam 11, Mo takes the jam line un-opposed.  JSRG forces the whistle, Mo takes an assist from Heartless, and breaks thought the pack as Legs re-enters the track.  Mo makes a scoring pass and calls off the jam, but Legs scores 3 points to Mo’s 4.

Rooney takes the jam line in jam 12, and finds herself in the midst of another huge scoring opportunity as NY jammer, Toots McGee,  fouls and is sent to the box.  Despite suffering some major hits, Rooney earns another grand slam for her team, and the jam expires only after Rooney puts 12 points on the board for the Beatdown (to NY’s 5.)  Next, NY stalls and allows the clock to wind down, releasing their jammer from the box, and back into play, but not before the JSRG jammer, Dez, earns lead jammer status.  Legs  flies through the pack, while Dez gets hung up by the NY blockers, and she is forced to call off the jam. 

The next three jams of the evening fall in the visiting teams favor, as they consistently earn lead jammer status, control the pack speed to wind out the clock, and score, while preventing the BEatdown jammers from scoring.  Jams 16, 17, and 18 are more of the same, the NY jammers zip through the strung out packs of blockers, while the JSRG jammers get caught up, and are unable to score.  In fact, it is not until the last jam of the first half that JSRG is allowed to add any points to the scoreboard.  In the last moments of the first half of game 2, the Librawlian takes the outside line and breaks first, but she does not earn lead.  Mo, the JSRG jammer, can not get passed Ruby Revenge or Sasa Skank, and Librawlian laps her.  Finally Mo breaks free, takes a lap and scores, but in her attempt to contain the other jammer she fouls and is sent to the box.  Time expires, and the first half of game 2 ends with a score of 134 to 40 in NY’s favor. 

Jam 1 of the second half kicks off with a power jam for Nickel City.  Cool Mo T sits in the box while the Librawlian takes the line, once again, for NY.  Librawlian finds a hole in a three woman wall, and flies past the JSRG defense, as her own teammates catch Shirley, and use her as a goat, forcing the opposition out of play.  Mo is finally released from the box, and the Librawlian calls off the jam, adding 14 points to her team’s score.

 In jam 2, Jack is able to help her jammer, Boston Whale Her, by booty blocking the opposition, NY’s Abercrombie.  Despite taking a big hit, Boston is able to score 3 points for JSRG as Jack knocks Abercrombie out of bounds.  Jam 3, 4, and 5 go to NY, who again are adept at controlling the pack speed, winning lead jammer status, holding back the opposing jammer as their own jammer scores, and then quickly ending the jam before JSRG can put points up on the board.

Now Rooney wears  the star, again NY stalls to run out the clock, releasing their fourth blocker from the penalty box, but Rooney break through for the lead! NY jammer, McGee is close on her tail, but Stoli Slammer takes her out at the back of the pack while her own jammer, Rooney, scores 4 points and ends the jam.  In jam 6, the Librawlian takes  the lead, while JSRG jammer, Mo gets hung up behind co-captain SuperNova, and Stormie.  The Librawlian fouls, and is sent to the box, but Mo gets called on a major back block, and is quickly sent to the box behind her.  Now the Librawlian is released, and attempts to jump the apex, but misses and gets sent back to the box, releasing Mo.  Mo is able to score 3 points (to NY’s 6) before time expires and the jam ends. 

With 19:32 left in the second half, and trailing by 127 points, JSRG fields jammer, Dez, for an opportunity at a power jam.  Despite the best effort of NY captain, Lamb Chop, Dez pulls off a grand slam, with some help from her teammate Nikki Sixx Ft Under (who will go on to win MVP for this game.)  Jam 9 and 10 go to NY, their jammers each earning grand slams, while their blockers hold back the JSRG jammers.  JSRG goes into jam 11 with two blockers in the penalty box, and NY captain, Lamb Chop, does some serious damage to the remaining JSRG blockers.  The Librawlian flies through the pack, and JSRG jammer, Dez, is hung up until her teammate Obi clears the way for her.  Dez is sent out on a major track cut, as the Librawlian continues to rack up the points, while her teammates form a wall, and goat JSRG blocker, Heartless, slowing the pack speed.  Dez is finally released back onto the track, and manages to score 4 quick points (to the Librawlian’s 14) as the jam ends. 

Jams 11 and 12, again, see points awarded to NY, while the formidable NY blockers hold the Beatdown jammers back, and prevent them from scoring.  Then Rooney take the jam line, up against NY’s Lamb Chop.  Chop breaks first but is sent to the box on a track cut, so Rooney finds herself in a power jam situation, once again.  Ivana forces Rooney out of bounds, and as she recycles through the pack, NY forms a wall.  JSRG, in an attempt to control the pack speed and force the opposition out of play, forms a pace line on the outside line.  Rooney still manages to score 10 points, before Chop re-enters, hits the pack hard, flies into the infield, and takes out a ref.  She scores 1 point to Rooney’s 10, and the jam clock expires and the jam ends, bringing the score to 220-76, in NY’s favor. 

Next, with 5:41 left on the clock,  JSRG  jammer, Dez, takes the lead.  She gets caught up on her scoring pass, but earns 2 points, while Spicy Pierogi passes her and earns 5 before Dez can call off the jam.   In the third to last jam of the evening, JSRG fields jammer, Boston, while NY will play McGee.  McGee makes a play for Boston right off the line, but takes herself out instead.  Boston zips through the pack, and earns lead, but McGee is close behind her.  A huge hit from a JSRG blocker finally takes McGee down,  and Boston scores as McGee is sent to the box.  Boston calls off the jam, and the 16th jam of the second half will start as a power jam for JSRG.

 Rooney wears the star, but is unable to break through the pack, and the NY jammer, McGee, is released from the box, flies through the pack, earns lead jam, and ends the jam before Rooney can score. Finally,  with a 1:09 left on the clock, newcomer  Heartless, bravely wears the star for her team.  NY jammer, SuperNova,  is sent to the box for a major false start, but Librawlian, Ivana, and Midnyt Maniac work together to hold Heartless, and hit her, recycling around and knocking into her again and again.  Mo and Jack do their best to free their jammer, but to no avail, and the final jam of the night ends with no points scored by either jammer. 

Game 2 ends with a score of 228-82, in Nickel City’s favor.  Their superior control of the pack proved too much for the Beatdown to handle, despite their jammers best efforts, and some excellent offense on their part.  Nickel City goes back to Buffalo with a win, but the Beatdown put up a valiant fight, and earned valuable experience. 

JSRG All-Stars vs. CT Roller Girls 7/14/12

JSRG All-stars vs. CT Roller Girls

On July 14, 2012, in Asbury Park’s Convention Hall, the JSRG All-stars took on the Connecticut Roller Girls, in part one of their first ever, at home, double header. CT came out hard and swift, setting the tone for what would prove to be a very challenging, action packed, hard hitting game for JSRG. The home team put up a good fight, but the CT All Stars were victorious in the end, and despite their captain’s multiple trips to the penalty box, the resulting score was a blow out in CT’s favor, 298 to the Jersey Shore’s 80.

Ct’s Pearl Jammer kicks off the game by earning lead for her team, scoring her points quickly, and calling off the jam before JSRG’s Dawn K. Kong can score any points. In the second jam of the night, JSRG’s M8T is able to earn lead, despite an assist gone awry, and scores while her teammate (and co-captain) Toastface Killah holds opposing jammer, Delilah Dread at the back of the pack.

Then, the next three jams go to Ct, who’s skilled jammers earn lead, and call it quits, preventing JSRG from scoring, despite their best efforts, including some excellent wall clearing by JSRG blocker, Lita Floor Her. Emma Nockuout, in her final game as a JSRG All-star is able to re-claim lead jammr status for her team, in the 6th jam of the night, and manages to put some points on the board for JSRG, while her teammates Toast, and Koopa Troopa, play defense and hold the CT jammer, Pearl Jammer, captive at the top of their pack. Now in jam 7, M8T again earns lead for her team, and slips by on the outside for an easy initial scoring pass, where she attempts to call off the jam, but the whistle is not quick enough to catch Dread, who also picks up a point for CT.

Both teams go back and forth, until jam 10, when JSRG jammer, Kong is sent to the box for a major cut, where she joins her teammate Toast, and they sit, penalized while CT jammer, Black Cherry racks up 30 points to JSRG’s 0. Jam 11 starts as a power jam for CT, their All Stars take a knee and force the jam whistle, but JSRG blockers, Koopa and Bash N. Onya, manage to hold CT jammr Dread back long enough for Kong to be released from the penalty box, blast through the pack, and score 3 points to CT 0. AT this point in the game, JSRG blocker/jammer Koopa skates off the track with an injured knee, and is benched for the duration of the game.

Jams 12 and 13 go to CT, and they score 29 points while their blockers hold back the JSRG jammers, who are unable to earn any points. M8T earns lead jammer status in jam 14, despite the CT jammer, Black Cherry, booty blocking her out of bounds, and M8T wisely call off the jam before Cherry can score. Next, Pinky and the Pain catches CT’s Dread as she tries to make a play up the outside line, and holds her while jammer, Kong, scores, ending the jam 4-0 in JSRG’s favor. The next 4 jams will go to CT, with some fast and furious jamming, and some huge defensive plays lead by their captain Luciana Pulverotti. JSRG’s AC Skater and Jersey Violet make a few excellent attempts at offense, but each is thwarted by some big hits from CT, and some quick offensive thinking by their jammers.

Jam 19 expires as CT jammer, C. Mya Rage is sent to the penalty box for a track cut, so jam 20 will start as a power jam for JSRG. With 2:45 left in the first half, and a score of 103-29 in CT’s favor, Emma takes the jam line for JSRG. But Emma fouls, and is sent to the box also, where she will serve the remainder of Rage’s time. Rage is free and earns the lead position. Rage struggles to get through the back of the pack to score, and calls off the jam as Emma re-enters the track. In the final jam of the first half, the jammers Kong and Pearl, trade penalties back and forth, each being sent to the box, until Kong is released, only to be held back by CT’s Girl Fawkes, Doomcake, and Ether Bunny, while Pearl takes a spill over a JSRG blocker, ending the first half, with a score of 131 to 31 in CT’s favor.

Jam 1 of the second half is rematch between the jammers that ended the first half, Kong for JSRG and Pearl for CT. Again the jammers trade penalty box trips, Kong goes out first, and is quickly replace by Pearl, in an attempt to skate up the inside line. Kong is still caught up in the back of formidable CT blockers, while Pearl re-enters the track, and quickly makes her first pass. Then, Pinky and Belle Maul Her are ablt to briefly contain her, allowing their own jammer, Kong, to pick up 2 points before the jam ends. Jam 2 goes to CT, jammer Dread is able to earn lead, pick up 2 points, and call it off before M8T can score.

Jam 3 sees Emma on the line for JSRG, against Eleanor Bruisevelt for CT. CT will start down 2 blockers, and JSRG tries to take advantage by forcing the jam whistle. Emma surges forward, wins the lead status, and Bruisevelt is knocked out of bounds by Kong. CT blocker, Your Mom, lays a huge hit out on Emma, in turn 4, and she calls the jam. No points are awarded to either team. Next, jammer M8t goes to the box, and blocker AC detains the CT jammer, Pearl, briefly, at the top of the pack, but she breaks free for a grand slam. Next, Pearl is met by a wall of JSRG blockers, and AC and her teammates Christine Hodan and Violet are able to hold her again, only briefly, but she breaks free for yet another grand slam. M8T re-enters the track, as the JSRG wall, with Kong acting as a sweeper, are finally able to contain the elusive Pearl, just long enough for their own M8T to score 5 points of her own , before the jam ends.

Next Emma wins lead over CT Dread, but calls off the jam as she is clobbered by Girl Fakwes. Then M8T, with a big assist from AC, escapes from the pack as Bruisevelt collects 2 poitns and ends the jam. With 10 minutes gone from the second half, and the score 185-43 in CT’s favor, CT is again down two blockers. Pinky, Toast hold CT jammer Cherry back, and Lita knocks her down, allowing Kong to earn lead, score, and call off the jam (despite being caught up by Pulverotti and Parker Poison during her initial pass.) She puts 4 much needed points on the board for JSRG. Jam 8 sees CT down 2 blockers, yet again, and M8T flies through the pack virtually unopposed, but with Cherry hot on her heels. M8T attempts her scoring pass, and earns 4, but again the whistle is too slow to stop CT from also picking up 4 points.

Jam 9 starts with CT still down 2 blockers, as well as their jammer, who has been sent to serve at a penalty at the end of the last jam. As Emma takes her scoring pass, You Mom checks her, and Emma is sent to the box. CT goats AC, and as their jammer Cherry passes her, AC lays her out. She gets through as Emma is released, Emma fouls, then Cherry fouls, and the jam ends as the jammers, once again, trade penalties and trips to the box. IN the next jam, JSRG forces the whistle, giving Emma enough time to score, although Cherry is hot on her heels, scoring 4 points to Cherry’s 0. The next jam goes to CT, and following that, M8t earns lead, but goes down hard, allowing Bruisevelt to score before she can call off the jam. At this point M8T skates off the track, and is benched for the next 10 minutes or so. Now Emma takes lead over Cherry, but neither jammer scores. Then with 12 minutes left, Kong goes to the box on a major cut, while Rage scores for her team, despite a huge hit from Lita, and she calls off the jam as Kong re-enters the track. IN jam 17, Emma drafts Cherry, but Cherry calls off the jam before they begin their scoring pass. Then Lita, Pinky and Bash are able to hold Pearl back, while Kong strings out the CT blockers, and breaks through, but she ends up in the box again. Bash and Lita do their best to keep Pearl trapped at the top of the pack, but she picks up 16 points before the jam ends. Jam 18, 7.5 minutes left in the half, Kong is standing in the box waiting to re-enter the track. CT takes a knee, and forces the whistle, but Violet is able to contain Bruisevlet as JSRG’s Kong makes an attempt at the back of the pack. She is held back by co-captain Doomcake and her teammate Shiny Toy Buns while Bruiesevelt scores. Bruisevelt is sent to the box, and the JSRG blockers form a paceline on the outside line, in an attempt to control the location of the pack, and force the CT blockers out of play. Kong beats her way passed Pulverotti, Doomcake, and Buns, no easy task, pushing their wall out of play. Kong puts 12 points on the board for her team before the jam ends.

            The next 2 jams see CT down 2 blockers, once again, and both jams end before any points are scored. Then Pearl takes the lead over Emma, scoring for CT and ending the jam before Emma can collect points. Then Dread takes the lead and scores 7 to M8T’s 0. M8T is sent to the box, and the final jam of the game will be a power jam in CT’s favor. CT takes a knee at the jam line and forces the jam whistle, Pearl jigs to the inside, the defense follows her, and she flies to the outside and cuts around them. She earns a grand slam, before she meets up with a wall of JSRG. As Pearl works her way passed Belle, Kong and Joy, M8T is briefly released from the box, but almost immediately sent back. Kong checks Pearl, but to no avail. It’s CT’s turn to form a paceline, and as Pearl takes another lap Kong again gets another hit on her, but the jammer just keeps on going. M8T is released from the box for the second time, and Pearl ends the final jam of game 1 of JSRG’s first ever double header. Pearl manages to pick up 36 points in this final power jam, closing the game with a score of 298-80 in CT’s favor. JSRG’s All-stars fought hard to keep their walls together, and made some really good attempts at offense for their jammers, but the Connecticut roller girls’ focus on defense proved to be too much for them.

Friday, July 27, 2012

August 18th All Stars Last Home Bout of the Season!

The Jersey Shore Roller Girls All Stars will be wrapping up their season on August 18, 2012 when they take on the Grade A Fancy of Green Mountain Derby Dames in Asbury Park’s Convention Hall. This is not the first time that these two teams are meeting on the track. In 2011 JSRG squeaked by with a 126-121 win in the last jam!!! This is sure to be a great battle as Grade A fancy will be fighting hard for redemption!

The Jersey Shore Roller Girls are teaming up with Aidan’s Voice. Aidan's Voice is a 501(c)3 non- profit organization. The mission of Aidan’s Voice is to bring awareness, education, and positive change to children, parents, educators, and the community in regard to school sensitive issues. It was founded by Aidan, a middle school student who is bullied, but is fortunate enough to have some very supportive friends and family He then realized that not everyone is as lucky. He started Aidan’s Voice to help those that are bullied and do have the support that he has. For more information on Aidan’s voice visit their webpage at http://www.aidansvoice.com/Aidans_Voice/Welcome.html or talk to them on game day! We can all make a difference if take a minute to listen!

As usual the August 18th bout also pairs with the Wonder Bar for the bout after party. Across the street from Convention Hall, the Wonder Bar will offer those bout attendees with a wristband no cover charge. The Roller Girls will be on hand and fully energized for any fans that want to keep the party going!

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the first whistle blows at 8 p.m. Advance tickets are available online for $17 at www.jerseyshorerollergirls.net or directly at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/249053. Tickets are $25 for VIP and $20 regular admission at the door, $15 with military ID and $10 for children 10 and under.

For more information about the Jersey Shore Roller Girls, visit www.jerseyshorerollergirls.net or email jerseyhorerollergirls@yahoo.com.